Making Sense of Trauma through EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) Check out this Video with Junaline HERE In this episode,we learned EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) from Dr. Adriana … [Read more...]
What is this woo-woo stuff called Energy Psychology and does it really work?
Some people think Energy Psychology techniques like tapping are woo-woo and couldn't possibly work. I thought so too when I first discovered these tools over 20 years ago. But after using … [Read more...]
The trauma of our times and how to work with it
I recently spoke to a group of addiction treatment professionals about the trauma of our current times and how to best treat it. “Between Covid-19 and racial discrimination, we are experiencing … [Read more...]
New podcast! Kaleidoscope of Possibilities – Alternative Perspectives on Mental Health
What if "mental health" isn't everything we've been told? What if there's more to it than just a “brain chemistry imbalance?” What if what we consider a pathology is actually an ability and … [Read more...]
Dr. Adriana discusses Energy Psychology for Personal Transformation on the Rainbows are Circles podcast
In this episode, we’re discussing Energy Psychology, a powerful and holistic approach to treating various mental health conditions. Energy Psychology sees the mind-body-spirit as inextricably … [Read more...]
Freeing Yourself from Perfectionism on the Outside the Impossible Show
Do you realize you already have everything you require and are enough right now? Exactly the way you are and exactly the way you are not. There is nothing you need to do to earn your way to … [Read more...]
Adriana on “Awakened Living” TV – The Magic of Creation Part 1
This is Part 1 of the two-part series about the Magic of Creation on the "Awakened Living" TV show. Adriana and TJ talk about innovative ways to create all aspects of your life, including your … [Read more...]
Adriana on “Awakened Living TV” – What else is possible?
Adriana discusses "What Else is Possible?" on Episode 12 of the "Awakened Living" TV show. … [Read more...]