Find out more about Dr Adriana and Zero point Healing Here; … [Read more...]
Animals & Entities – What Do Your Animals Know? ~ Guest, Dr. Adriana Popescu
Animals & Entities – What Do Your Animals Know? ~ Guest, Dr. Adriana Popescu Has your dog ever barked at something that seemingly ‘wasn’t there’? Or has your cat all of the sudden hissed or … [Read more...]
Making Sense of Trauma through EFT (Video)
Making Sense of Trauma through EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) Check out this Video with Junaline HERE In this episode,we learned EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) from Dr. Adriana … [Read more...]
What are those voices in your head? Free Zoom
Have you ever heard voices in your head? Do they ever judge or criticize you? Tell you to do or not do things? Or keep you awake at night? Do the voices distract you from presence and joy? Do … [Read more...]
The trauma of our times and how to work with it
I recently spoke to a group of addiction treatment professionals about the trauma of our current times and how to best treat it. “Between Covid-19 and racial discrimination, we are experiencing … [Read more...]