Dr. Adriana discusses Energy Psychology for Personal Transformation on the Rainbows are Circles podcast
In this episode, we’re discussing Energy Psychology, a powerful and holistic approach to treating various mental health conditions. Energy Psychology sees the mind-body-spirit as inextricably … [Read more...]
Freeing Yourself from Perfectionism on the Outside the Impossible Show
Do you realize you already have everything you require and are enough right now? Exactly the way you are and exactly the way you are not. There is nothing you need to do to earn your way to … [Read more...]
Judgment is the Greatest Source of Human Suffering
In my over 25 years of working with clients and along my longer life’s journey, I’ve come to realize that judgment is the greatest source of human suffering. If you look at the world around you or the … [Read more...]
Adriana on “Beyond Speech into Limitless Communication” on Stopping the Negative Thinking Loop
On this episode of "Beyond Speech into Limitless Communication," Adriana and Lauren talk about a variety of practical tools you can use to get yourself out of a negative thinking loop. … [Read more...]
How Do You Stop A Negative Thinking Loop? Part 3
Hello again! I've shared with you a number of pragmatic tools you can use to stop a negative thinking loop in parts 1 and 2 of this blog (Part 1 here; Part 2 here). So what else can you do to get out … [Read more...]
How Do You Stop a Negative Thinking Loop? Part 2
Hello again! So how do you stop a negative thinking loop that's creating stress and upset in your world? In Part 1 of this blog, I suggested the use of questions to open up a different possibility; … [Read more...]
How Do You Stop a Negative Thinking Loop? Part 1
Have you ever found yourself stuck in a negative thinking loop and can't seem to get out of it? Perhaps something along the lines of, “This sucks, I'm an idiot. I never get it right, everything's … [Read more...]
What if you woke up in the morning and had no problems?
What if you woke up in the morning and had no problems? What would your life be like? This is the question I woke up with this morning. What exactly is a “problem,” anyways? It's a judgment. It's … [Read more...]
What is creating a life of infinite possibilities?
It's when you knock down the barriers you put up to keep all the “bad stuff” out, and open up to receiving everything and everyone, knowing that you can handle anything that comes your way. When you … [Read more...]