If you’re like so many of my clients these days, you are under a bit of stress. Perhaps that is a massive understatement. I get it. Stress, anxiety, and depression are everywhere these days. We are … [Read more...]
The trauma of our times and how to work with it
I recently spoke to a group of addiction treatment professionals about the trauma of our current times and how to best treat it. “Between Covid-19 and racial discrimination, we are experiencing … [Read more...]
Dr. Adriana discusses Energy Psychology for Personal Transformation on the Rainbows are Circles podcast
In this episode, we’re discussing Energy Psychology, a powerful and holistic approach to treating various mental health conditions. Energy Psychology sees the mind-body-spirit as inextricably … [Read more...]
Access Bars class in San Francisco – February 1, 2020
Do you remember the last moment in your life when you were totally relaxed and nurtured and cared for? Or has it been a little too long since you received healing and kindness without any judgment of … [Read more...]