We are in revolutionary times, my friends. Things on the planet have become unsustainable and have needed to change for a while now – the political and economic structures, the way we treat one another, the animals, the planet... This current coronavirus crisis may very well be a catalyst for those changes.
In these moments, when it seems as if so many things are out of our control, it is important to focus on things you do have control and choice over, and that is how you respond to current events and how you care for yourself and others.
I discussed this and other strategies to help you stay sane in these insane times on Facebook Live on March 24th with my good friend and creator of the Conscious Recovery Method™, TJ Woodward.
Watch it here.
I also remain open with my private practice to support people individually. If you would like some extra support during the time, please feel free to book a session here: https://go.oncehub.com/AP_coaching