5 Keys to Having Ease with Money
Are you happy with your current financial situation? Has it been difficult to move forward financially, pay off debts, save for the future? Are you having fun with money, or is it a struggle just to pay the bills every month?
It is possible to change your financial reality and have ease with money! I've been working for years on this topic both for myself and with my clients, and have discovered some of the most effective and pragmatic, cutting-edge tools for creating change in this area.
Here are 5 keys that I’ve discovered will help you have more ease with money:
- Know what it costs you to live
- Create financial targets and ask for them to show up
- Get clear on your financial reality and clear limiting points of view
- Create an abundance mindset
- Increase your receiving
1. Know what it costs you to live
Most people suffer from “financial vagueness syndrome.” They may know how much money they have coming in, but often don’t track their expenses. This used to be true for me. I would take all my receipts and put them in a box, hidden out of sight so I didn’t have to think about it. At the end of the year, I would dread having to sort through all the receipts and put them into a spreadsheet so I could figure it all out for my taxes.
Now I use a great expense tracking app/program and it’s total ease for me to keep track of both my personal and business expenses. I use that info not only for taxes, but to get clear about exactly what I need to earn in order to cover all my expenses as well as play, fun, and savings. I then ask the universe for at least that amount to show up. Because guess what, that whole ask and you shall receive thing really does work! Which leads me to #2…
2. Create financial targets and ask for them to show up
You have to be specific with what you are asking for. You don’t just want to ask for more money to show up. That could be just a penny. Make your targets fun and have enthusiasm for them. You don’t just want to pay off bills, you want to create your life! For me, that includes lots of play and fun and travel, the finer things in life and way more.
Ask yourself if your current targets are actually enough for you. If not, increase them, ask for more! You may feel slightly uncomfortable about this and that’s good. Clear whatever fears, doubts and resistances come up around this. Which takes me right into #3…
3. Get clear on your financial reality and clear limiting points of view
This step is key, because you could ask for all the money in the world but if you have limiting points of view, you won’t actually be willing to receive or hold onto that money. A limiting point of view is usually a judgment. Any judgment you have creates a barrier. For example, if you don’t like wealthy people, and judge them to be greedy, then you put up a wall to them. That wall may keep wealthy people from coming to you in your business, and it may keep out the money and more too. A wall doesn’t discriminate – it doesn’t know what it’s supposed to keep out so it keeps everything out. And if you judge wealthy people, you’ll never allow yourself to become one.
You also have to be clear on what your financial reality is. Many of us function from a scarcity or poverty reality with money. But is that even true? There seems to be an infinite amount of money available – we just keep printing up more. What is your true financial reality? Where are you not acknowledging the gifts and capacities you have with money? Your point of view creates your reality so as long as you believe there isn’t enough money, that’s what you will create. Which leads me to…
4. Create an abundance mindset
How do you do that? Well, besides changing the scarcity mentality, you can do things like practice gratitude and generosity of spirit, tithe to the church of you, surround yourself with people and things of value, and carry around the amount of money a wealthy person would (whatever that means to you) and don’t spend it. And have more fun! Money is a magnet to the energy of play and fun.
5. Increase your receiving
What is receiving? Receiving is simply being willing to have infinite possibilities for something coming into your life, without a point of view about what, where, when, how or why it shows up. When you lose your judgments of money, and of you in relation to money, you can receive more. – Simone Milasas, Getting out of Debt Joyfully
What creates a lack of receiving? As I mentioned before, a big part of it is judgments and the walls we put up to receiving, often in the name of self-protection. How do you change this? Ask yourself, what am I unwilling to receive? What am I unwilling to be? Destroy and uncreate all that. Acknowledge the true potency of you, the greatness of you. Ask for your receiving to increase exponentially.
The real ‘money problem’ is that you’re not willing to receive you into your life. The biggest thing you’re unwilling to receive is how incredibly great you really are. Money is not the problem. Money is not the solution. When you start receiving the greatness of who you truly are, everything in your life starts to change – including your money. If you are willing to receive the greatness of you, and allow the world to see the greatness of you, the world will then gift to you what you truly deserve. The willingness to perceive and receive yourself differently is the beginning of creating what you truly desire in your life. – Gary Douglas & Dr. Dain Heer, Money Isn’t the problem, You Are
If you’d like to take a deeper dive into this topic, please join me for an upcoming online webinar series called 5 Keys to Having Ease with Money. We will have 5 x 90 min. weekly Zoom sessions starting Wed. May 31st, going through June 28th. More info and registration here.
I will be hosting a free Zoom introducing the series on Wed. May 24th at 2pm PDT. More info on that here.
What are the infinite possibilities for what we can create with this class?
What peace and ease and magic with money is possible?
What financial reality totally beyond this reality is waiting for you to choose it?