I wanted to tell you that something changed for me after our coaching session this week... Something we have talked about for months just clicked. That my awareness in my body is a gift. That I do not have to own even the slightest pain and that I can ask if it is mine. Now, I have been doing this already but something is different this time and I am so excited about it. Yesterday morning while waking up and getting out of bed, I had the usual morning back pain, but this time I responded differently. I put my hand where I felt it and asked my body if it was significant. I said something like "ok body I hear you" and I swear it instantly went away. I don't even know what it said back to me or what it meant. There was no understanding. It was like my body was talking to me. I don't know. Maybe it was just saying "good morning!" Like maybe it wasn't yelling mean things at me. I was shocked, smiled and then went on with my day. The past two days have been great! I have been feeling like I'm walking on clouds!
It seems silly because the words we were saying weren't new and the tools of asking the questions weren't new. I have been practicing this...but maybe not enough? I think I am just using them even more deeply than before. My relationships are all getting better and things are really great right now. I know you are not surprised. And if we were in person you would be smiling at me and say "how does it get any better than that?" Thank you for helping me and teaching me. I really enjoy having this relationship with you and I value your many gifts and knowledge you share. I think you are beautiful.
Reflecting on how you have been working with me for almost a year and looking at my growth makes me feel so wonderful.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.