Some people think Energy Psychology techniques like tapping are woo-woo and couldn't possibly work. I thought so too when I first discovered these tools over 20 years ago. But after using … [Read more...]
Overcoming Social Anxiety – online class March 11th, 2020
What if you could have total ease in social situations? What would it be like if you could speak clearly and confidently with others? How much more could you create if you changed … [Read more...]
Adriana on Cara Wright’s show “Magic in Motion” talking about The Other Side of Anxiety
On this episode of Magic in Motion, Adriana and Cara address the question of what if everything you have defined as anxiety is really something else? What if anxiety is actually misidentified … [Read more...]
3 Tools to Rein In Your Phobias
What is a phobia? The DSM 5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth edition), the “Bible” that we therapists use, states that “individuals with specific phobia are fearful or … [Read more...]