I'm thrilled to announce my next book offering - a chapter called "Being the Magic You Truly Be" in a very special book called The Energy of Magic. There are 26 chapters in this amazing book, from … [Read more...]
What is creating a life of infinite possibilities?
It's when you knock down the barriers you put up to keep all the “bad stuff” out, and open up to receiving everything and everyone, knowing that you can handle anything that comes your way. When you … [Read more...]
Adriana on Julia Sotas’ radio show “A Totally Different Reality”
As a guest on Julia Sotas' radio show, Adriana discusses the possibilities of play, fun, sex and magic. … [Read more...]
Adriana on “Awakened Living” TV – The Magic of Creation Part 2
This is part 2 of Adriana's appearance on "Awakened Living" talking about a different way to create your life and business. https://youtu.be/1M6_rPhIyuE … [Read more...]
Adriana on “Awakened Living” TV – The Magic of Creation Part 1
This is Part 1 of the two-part series about the Magic of Creation on the "Awakened Living" TV show. Adriana and TJ talk about innovative ways to create all aspects of your life, including your … [Read more...]