The Foundation class is designed to break the foundation of what you think your reality is, so you can create the reality that works for you. Date & Time: April 23rd - 24th, 2022 and April … [Read more...]
Psychologist and Life Coach, creating infinite possibilities.
The Foundation class is designed to break the foundation of what you think your reality is, so you can create the reality that works for you. Date & Time: April 23rd - 24th, 2022 and April … [Read more...]
When I had an skin infection outbreak, and nothing was working, a friend suggested that it was emotional and I see Adriana, but I resisted this suggestion for months. After dealing unsuccessfully to address the infection, I also hit a complete brick wall with my meditative practice. I had been mediating for 7 years, but for almost 9 months, could not bring myself to practice meditation Continue Reading