Buying this car last year was like a dream come true for me. It is the first fancy car I’ve ever owned. When people started noticing it and I started noticing their judgments and projections of me and the car, I was surprised to find myself justifying and minimizing it, like “Oh, it’s just a pre-owned,” or “Yeah, I had to work really hard for it,” when what I was really saying is, “Oh I’m not one of those rich snobs, don’t worry – I’m still one of you.”
How is that honoring of me or doing me or anyone else any favors? All I was doing was validating the 99%/1% mentality, a poverty mentality that perpetrates the separation between “us” and “them.” What if I’m neither of those? And what’s beyond that whole paradigm?
What if instead of playing small and hiding my brilliance (which includes my financial success), I were to drive it proudly and say “Damn straight – it’s a freaking awesome car. I wanted it, and I made it happen!” What if that approach invites other people to the possibility that they too can make their dreams come true? Because the reality is that your point of view is what creates your reality. If you make the demand of yourself that “No matter what it takes, I’ll have that,” you will. Nothing can stop you except your own imagined limitations.
So now I drive my car with pride and let myself be excited and happy every time I get behind the wheel. And if people want to judge me, they can eat my dust as I speed off in my sexy German beast!